Champaign-Urbana Population Study
The Champaign-Urbana Population Study puts Champaign-Urbana on the map! Similar to other famous long-term studies, it's a comprehensive look at brain and cognitive health.
Participants have their brains scanned at the Carle Illinois Advanced Imaging Center.

CUPS is furthering a variety of research through the Carle Illinois Advanced Imaging Center
CUPS is the largest study of its kind and uses the latest MRI technology. It's laying the foundation for exciting new insights and medical treatments here and around the world, opening new chapters in both basic and medical research.
It's creating a diverse database that will be used for many studies on the brain. It's also offering a platform and foundation for future studies using 7 Tesla MRI.
CUPS helps Carle and UIUC tackle new frontiers of the brain by allowing researchers to:
- Investigate white matter tract integrity with varying levels of physical activity
- Study the relationship between hippocampal volume and memory outcomes in older adults
- Understand differences in brain stiffness in individuals with and without subjective memory complaints